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USPTO - Patent and Trademark Apostille and Authentication

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

Trademarks, patents, and copyrights are different types of intellectual property. The USPTO grants patents and registers trademarks.

Trademark is a word, phrase, design, or a combination that identifies your goods or services, distinguishes them from the goods or services of others, and indicates the source of your goods or services.

Patent means technical inventions, such as chemical compositions like pharmaceutical drugs, mechanical processes like complex machinery, or machine designs that are new, unique, and usable in some type of industry.

Apostille and Authentication of Patents and Trademarks

▶️ Step 1: Obtain an original or certified copy of USPTO documents

USPTO document is federally-issued, which should meet the 3 criteria below:

  1. Must be executed by U.S. federal agencies

  2. Must include a legible signature of the official's name, printed name and title, and seal of the agency

  3. Must be on agency letterhead

▶️ Step 2: Order the service that suits your situation.

After obtaining an original or certified copy of Patent and Trademark documents, depending on whether the destination country is a member of the Hague Convention of 1961, complete the following steps:

If the destination country is a member country/region (such as Germany, Spain, France, etc.):

  • Get an Apostille from the U.S. Department of State.

If the destination country is NOT a member country/region:

  • Get an Authentication from the U.S. Department of State. (if required)

  • Get a Legalization from the Embassy.

▶️ Step 3: Mail the original documents to our office.

After you place the order, then please mail us the original documents for further processing based on the instruction you received from our team.

That's it. Once the apostille or authentication process is completed, we will mail it to your mailing address, either domestically or internationally. Shipping costs apply.

We provide apostille, authentication, and embassy legalization services for other personal documents and corporate documents issued in 50 states and DC.

If you have any questions and do not know which service to order, please contact us by describing ① the type of the document, ② which state the doc is from, and ③ in which country the doc will be used, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


American Notary Service Center Inc. provides fair, fast, confidential, and professional document notarization and certification services for our clients. We also provide various assistance services to small businesses led by socially and economically disadvantaged groups. Our service helps small businesses obtain federal government contracts, gain a foothold in the market, and boost their sales. For more information, please visit our website at, and contact us by calling 202-599-0777 or by email at

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