What is SDVOSB?
Service-disabled-veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB) is a small business that is 51% unconditionally owned and controlled by a service-disabled veteran.
What kind of business may be qualified for SDVOSB certification?
To be qualified as an SDVOSB, the business must:
Be a small business;
Be at least 51% owned by one or more service-disabled veterans;
Be controlled by at least one service-disabled veteran. The definition of “Control“ includes both day-to-day operation control and long-term strategic decision-making;
Eligible veterans must have a service-connected disability.
What are the advantages of being certified as SDVOSB?
Eligible to set-aside contracts: federal government agencies, as well as some state agencies are giving some important preferences to SDVOSBs. These agencies and entities will set aside work exclusively for SDVOSBs. In some cases, the Department of Veterans Affairs will also set aside sole-source contracts only for SDVOSBs. Additionally, according to the Veteran Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development Act of 1999, the government has to set aside no less than 3% of the total value of all prime contracts and subcontracts for SDVOSBs. According to USASpending.gov, in 2019, the Federal government has awarded 295,982 prime contracts and 1,542 sub-contracts, which are worth about $13.3 billion dollars, to SDVOSBs/VOSBs.
Increase the possibility of joining prime contracts on big contracts: after your business has been certified as SDVOSB, many larger companies will seek out your company to be as a sub-contractor for their big projects. The reason is that a lot of large contracts require the large company that originally takes the contract to meet a small business participation goal as a percentage of its overall contract.
Possible Tax Benefits: there may be some state tax benefits that come to companies that have been certified as SDVOSB status.
More business opportunities: more than 70% of Americans prefer to do business with SDVOSBs/VOSBs compare to non-VOSBs. Thus, proudly displaying the official SDVOSB/VOSB logo on your website and letterheads as well as in your stores and emails will naturally attract more business from local contractors, suppliers, and corporations that are seeking to work with veteran-owned businesses.
What is the SDVOSB Verification Processing Time?
CVE processes complete applications within 90 days in accordance with regulatory compliance. Applicant’s 90 day clock does not officially start until all required/requested documents have been submitted. Upon receipt of all documents, the examination commences and the 90-days clock for Verification begins. If additional documents are required/requested the clock stops until all documents are received again. Please note that the Days are calendar days.
What services does the American Notary Service Center provide?
We will be your point of contact/representative, and help you navigate the entire SDVOSB verification process.
We will help you register on SAM, Dun & Bradstreet, and Vetbiz.
We will help you to prepare your documentation in accordance with VA CVE requirements (13 C.F.R. 125).
We will help you organize the required documents and submit them in the proper format.
We will draft the appropriate Letter of Explanation for those documents you do not possess.
We will ensure your peace of mind during the entire verification process.
For first-time SDVOSB verification clients, we guarantee that approval! If the application is eventually denied, we guarantee a 100% full refund.
American Notary Service Center Inc. provides fair, fast, confidential, and professional document notarization and certification services for our clients. We also provide various assistance services to small businesses led by socially and economically disadvantaged groups. Our service helps small businesses obtain federal government contracts, gain a foothold in the market, and boost their sales. For more information, please visit our website at www.usnotarycenter.com, and contact us by calling 202-599-0777 or by email at info@usnotarycenter.com.